My Buddy Uki, A Tribute Tattoo
and His Rein-cat-nation |
I wrote a memorial post about him, but he deserves a better tribute than a few
words and pictures on the internet, so my first ever tattoo will honor
his memory. I designed it using his front
paw prints by sitting him on a
photo copier and scanning them into
I then incorporated the dark spots
on his pads into his nickname in a font that matched his unique
personality. My Uki tribute tattoo was inked on
05/19/15 at Royalty Tattoo in Durand, MI.
I don't say anything when people
try to offer comfort by telling me that they understand how I feel
because they went through something similar with their dead pet, whatever. Uki
was not my pet, he was my
best friend.
Uki was more like a little furry
person than a cat, he was highly inquisitive and unusually intelligent, one
look into his wide open
eyes let you know that he was different. Having said that, I don't
pretend to have any idea how he did
it, but he was also smart enough to figure out how to
make his way back.

My First Paranoiac
Critical Dual Image and a Poem, Both Circa 1993 |

Artist Statement:
I'd rather create things I love, when money's tight push comes to
I'll draw a milkshake with
your fries, if that's better than drawing flies.
For artist rendered apathy, in
shades of mediocrity...
I'd charge you but a modest
fee to churn out anything you please.
I've also done artwork for
free, just ask real nice to pass the cheese.
Fame or fortune hope they
buy, in art fame comes after you die.
I butcher meat to make my
bread, an artist starves, the art scenes dead.
"No works over twelve
ninety-five, the fairgrounds this weekend only!"
If that's what keeps the dream
alive let me die broke and lonely,
Keep fame and fortune if
that's it, spit out your cheese and eat my shit. |
Louganis Showing at DeVos Place Convention Center for ArtPrize 2014
I am honored to once
again be displaying dual image artwork inside the
DeVos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids,
Michigan from September 24th - October 12th during
ArtPrize 2014,
my ArtPrize entry is vote number: 57401
In 1988 Olympic
diver Greg Louganis injured his head on the springboard and
bled into the pool, that same year I began a career as a
butcher. In the image the shark is swimming toward a blood
droplet hitting water, the red ring it forms is detached
from the other four Olympic rings which are floating away
forming the number eighty eight.
My original shark
and diver sketches were done in 1992, in this work the
paranoiac critical shark is the diver mirrored with both
images CNC carved into lithophanes from an actual butcher
block that I've spent many years cutting meat on.
piece is subtly animated by programmable dual LED strip
lighting to simulate rippling water and outline the frame.
Creation of Carcharhinus Louganis
(ArtPrize 2014 Entry) The Completed Project Log
Designed using free 3D software and
fabricated over the course of six months by hand entirely
from scratch in my small 10'x12' home work
With a build cost over $3000, measuring 5'x5'
weighing in at over two hundred pounds it is
my largest, heaviest
and most expensive work to date.
The piece is built from a
back painted 5'x5'x1/4" sheet of
clear polycarbonate acrylic, two 50" 4K
Ultra High Definition TV's, dual row SMD LED programmable
16' strip lights,
black rubberized 1/8" aluminum angle,
high density polyethylene butcher blocks and
black oxide carriage bolts.
From the initial design sketches to finished
work, this detailed project log provides a step by step
break down of everything that went into building my most
recent paranoiac critical creation. Read
about it here.
Creation of
Gluttony (ArtPrize 2013 Entry) The Completed Project Log
I have finished my entry for this years
ArtPrize competition.
With a design inspired by previous builds, this art project
mixes old school with new style by showcasing my first ever
dual image work with some cool LED lighting and other
techniques used to build insane modified
My ArtPrize entry was hosted at the
DeVos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan
September 18th - October 6th. This work is also featured as
image 14 of 18 in
this online article.
The piece is built from a
hand carved and black vinyl painted
4'x4'sheet of 1/8" polycarbonate acrylic
atop three color hand cut sign vinyl laid onto a back
frosted 4'x4' sheet of 1/4" polycarbonate acrylic that is
backlit by hundreds of LED's and held together by
black spray rubberized aluminum angle and black oxide
carriage bolts. Read about it
Previous Award
Winning Works of Tech-Art on CaseModGod.com |
CaseModGod was created in
2002 and is my website dedicated to instructing how to modify
computers into original works of art. Twelve years is a long time to
devote to any hobby, let alone documenting everything as
how-to guides and step by step
work build
logs as you go.
Even without reading every
guide or build log, skimming the site will show proper project
planning and how to achieve professional results using
ordinary tools when scratch building at home. From early initial
design sketches and computer renders all the way up through build
fabrication to final completion, or maybe just for a little
inspiration to try something new.
There is also a plethora of
information that any artist might find useful, like a
sculpting compound article, or
cutting and applying vinyl decals, guides on back painting or
oven forming sheet acrylic,
but if
you need to light up a project there are
guides for
EL wire,
Lumin disks and
LED's freaking